Erin James Nashville TN |
After the past 4-5 months of writing, writing, and more writing, I finally have the songs ready for upcoming album w/ Brent Mason! This is truly a dream come true for me. I haven't had full production music available since 2007, and frankly, I'm drowning in unfinished acoustic demos...haha!!!
We should be in the studio in a matter of weeks. Brent just has to fit me somewhere in the middle of the Kristen Chenoweth record, and the George Strait record...whoo hoo! I also will be working w/ the amazing Chuck Ainlay. What an honor! Now if I can talk my all time favorite steel player Paul Franklin into playing on the project, I will be in musical heaven!
Well, other than that, I just booked a fair this week back home in Maryland in May so it will be good to see my family and friends. More details to come!
Well that's it for now.....Please keep up w/ me on FB and Twitter.
Love hearing from everyone!
Don't forget to check out videos on YouTube and download songs on Revebnation.